Creating your Supabase project to link to your Starter Kit.
To be able to use Supaboost, you will need to create your own Supabase project first.
Creating your Supabase project
Go to to create your project, after you have created your account.
From here, you can decide if you want to use GitHub, Google or create a new account with Email & Password. You can later add a password or link your social account, so don't worry if you pick one over the other.
Create your project
Once you have received an email and confirmed your emailadress, you can then create the Supaboost project!
On the dashboard, select + New project
In the page that opens, set the following information:
- Organization: The name of your personal organization.
- Name: The name of the project.
- Database Password: We strongly suggest generating the password. As this adds additional security. If you let Supabase generate, make sure you store the password somewhere safe. With this password (and the user), you can delete the complete database. Setting a password such as 'ABCDEF' will increase the risk of losing all that you've build up.
- Region: This could be any region you prefer. Usually it's advised to select a region where you frontend will also be hosted. If your company is located in EU, use one of the options from EU. If you want to also deliver to US, a good location would be Ireland. It also counts for US, select a US location then.
- Pricing Plan: Keep it a Free - $0/month for now.
Congratulations! You have created your first Supabase project for your Supaboost template.
Storing Supabase credentials
To be able to connect to your Supabase instance after completeing the installation guide, make sure you store the following information in a well structured manner (you will want to be understand what you have stored):
- Anon Public
- Service Role -- Never share this with anyone! You risk unwanted updates, that bypass Row Level Security.