Super Admin

Manage your users from your very own Super Admin page. But first let's look how to set this up.

Now that we have set up all the important information, we can create our own Super Admin user!

Creating the user in Supabase

Open and navigate to your project. In the menu select 'Authentication'.

On this page, then create the new user. You can do this by clicking on 'Add user' button in the top-right

super admin user in supabase

After creating the user, copy the user_id.

Updating the column in the database

Go to the table user_info in Supabase. You can navigate here from Supabase > Tables > user_info.

On the top, filter based on id and paste the created users id or filter by using the email you have just created.

Click on the column for that row and change false to true.

super admin change setting

Now log in with this user, and you will have the admin portal available!

admin panel portal supaboost